Starz Movie Watch Snowpiercer

Snowpiercer Starz




genre Action

7,5 / 10

countries South Korea

Actor Chris Evans

Score 281711 Votes

release Year 2013

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From the creators of Hunger Games and Snakes On A Plane comes: Hunger Games on a Train. This movie is a social masterpiece. It reflects everything going wrong in our society with a train metaphor. Loved it. Everything wrong with snowpierce: Snowpierce! bing.


I"m going to have to watch this film tomorrow, then i shall watch the video. Exaggerated foolish story. honestly. Well said!Appreciate your insight!????. Omg! that song again! it is called "everybody wants to rule the world" by Lordes. It was also used for the trailer AC Unity. Chris evans is so good in this movie. The first one was like watching a game of chess. I really don"t know how they managed to budget for a sequel! Good luck! I"ve got better films to watch. A metaphor of class war... might be intersrting. I"ve been watching this movie for 4 times already and still loving it. great movie.

Join here. Joon-ho Bong"s Snowpiercer is an interesting gem. It is a very bleak, dark, dystopian-styled future film. The film runs over 2 hours long, but goes at a nice pace. As bleak as Snowpiercer was, it was amazingly well done. The direction was fantastic. I loved just about every minute of it and the acting was great.
Snowpiercer is set in 2031, when a failed climate-change experiment kills just about everybody on the planet except for those who have been fortunate enough to board The Snowpiercer, a huge train that travels around the globe with a class system. Eventually the lower, literally dirty class led by Curtis (Chris Evans) tries to revolt in an attempt to get the conductors room and find out what"s really going on.
Snowpiercer is a very dark looking movie. The lead characters look incredibly dirty. This is no doubt from the fact that they"ve been living in a very muddy part of the train and haven"t had any water in years. The tone is consistent throughout the film as the story progresses, characters are brutally killed and bodies pile up. This type of tone may be not pleasing for the general audience, but as a longtime movie buff, I loved how the director approached this, and appreciated it as well.
The acting is Snowpiercer is fantastic. The film features a fantastic cast, and none of them feel wasted. You have Chris Evans as the protagonist who is somewhat strikingly unrecognizable with his dirty face. Although Evans does seem to mumble at the beginning of the film, his performance does gradually get better, and by the end, when his character has a breakdown, his emotions and acting are terrifically well done. The rest of the cast includes: John Hurt, playing his usual elderly nice guy character (only this time with a secret) Kang-ho Song as Namgoong Minsoo, a higher-up who can open and close doors on the train who joins Curtis and his rebellion; Octavia Spencer, as a grieving mother whose son is kidnapped; Jamie Bell as Edgar, a sort of wannabe tough guy; Tilda Swinton as Mason, one of the film"s main antagonist, as a superior officer type; and Ed Harris, as the train conductor. The performances are all well-acted in the film, and each character serves the story well.
One of the things I especially liked about Snowpiercer was how the characters weren"t just evil or good. In many ways, the majority of the characters in Snowpiercer are quite unlikeable. It"s not just brown and grey, like it can be in so many films. The so-called villains of the story, led by Mason (Tilda Swinton) are portrayed as being higher-ups who don"t seem to have any bit of redeeming qualities about them and are heartless, but surprisingly seem to have good points and intentions. On the other side, we have our heroes, led by Curtis, who aren"t real heroes when you think about. They attack, they kill, and they are treated more like noble savages than anything. This is consistent with the film"s excellent message about the human condition: how a society can go from being considered an elite to completely destroying themselves.
The direction by South Korean filmmaker, Joon-ho Bong, doing his first English language film, is excellent. The film definitely fits his trademark style of multiple events occurring in long takes. Scenes, like when the members of the train are revolting, or where the train goes over the bridge, show a lot of things going on all at once and being captured simultaneously in a dark green lighted screen. Snowpiercer does, however, suffer from some of its action scenes, which, while exhilarating to watch, had at times shaky cam overload.
Snowpiercer doesn"t feel like your usual average blockbuster, despite the fact that it could easily have fallen into that very category. This film was clearly made with an intent. Sure, there are some plot holes in the film, especially regarding the use of the train, but thanks to great direction, great directing, and a great "muddy, dark" look, Snowpiercer is among the best of 2014.

House Lannister approves and seeks an alliance with House Tepes. I don"t want to kill anybody, I don"t like bullies; I don"t care where they are from...


You forgot the telephone at the tail section that rings so loud. . Very symbolic of what"s coming our way on or around xmas new years week Calm b4 the storm pisces is almost over. Yeah I don"t know, love the movie not sure if it should be made into a series. The movie covered everything that needed to be covered, I don"t even want a sequel movie let alone this. I think this is better than James bond movies. cause a bit of fun is also there. unlike James bond only for classic I too like bond also... This was actually really good give it a try. This looks awesome, first movie i"m actually looking forward like in ten years.

I heard about this movie when It was first released but didn"t really get into it from the trailer. I just recently watched it and it was a thought provoking thrill. I think the poetry"s nice, actually. Good for this trailer, definitely. I like it.

This is very well thought of! awesome work and research on this

I love how Curtis is willing to put his life down for a chance, a CHANCE at them not having bullets. There are two options for him: either get proven right and continue, or get shot. And hes fine with that as he pulls the trigger and wretches the control away from the guards. Fricken love this movie. Bomb ass movie. loved it. 1:12 They"ve got no bullets. Damn Charlie and the chocolate factory two is awsome.!Amazon%20Video!%20Download%20Free%20The%20Lovebirds